



inscico conducts studies into innovation and communication- related topics for universities, research and research support institutes. On request inscico can develop new methods or co-operates with renowned researchers.


Developing Methods

Success factor measurement of science communication (SC-Audit), influencer-analysis for social media, methods for implementing communication in innovation management of research organisations, and much more

Your benefit: New methods allow better control and planning of communication measures and offer a knowledge advantage over the competition.


Trend Studies

The use of media is rapidly changing, which, also in science communication, leads to an increasing pressure for adjustment. To enhance planning in research institutions, inscico conducts studies into communication and media trends.

Your benefit: In-depth inquiries are the basis for planning long-lasting communication strategies.



Surveys and content analysis on recent topics in the media.

Your benefit: Precise adjustment of communication measures, fast reaction to any communication-related risks




inscico is a private research and consulting institution for science and innovation communication, situated in Cleves, Germany. inscico pools insights and methods from interdisciplinary science and utilises these in commissioned research, consultancy services, evaluation and further training for companies and research institutions.

Hohe Straße 52a

47533 Kleve

Tel : +49 (0)2821 - 9447800

E - Mail : office () inscico . eu

© 2016 Inscico GmbH